
Are newfs the dog of choice in Newfoundland?

You may be interested to know that Malamutes (sp?) are very popular here in Perth. I feel sorry for the poor buggers in summer - what with their incredibly efficient triple coat and all. They simply pant the summer away.

I saw a Jaws-esque movie a few years ago about a giant squid terrorising people in Labrador. (Believe it or not, it was filmed in and around Sydney!!!) Besides this irony, I thought it was hilarious because all the "locals" roared around in pickups - replete with Labrador dogs in the back. Having owned numerous labs, my impression was that they are axcellent hearth rug warmers, doubling as a detection system for a perpetually empty stomach. "Tough guy" working dogs - NOT! So, just how accurate was the film in its depiction of labs?
