Newfie has the same good/bad connotations as Canuck. It's OK for Newfoundlanders to call each other Newfies, but for a mainlander to do so is usually taken as an insult. When you're a CFA (Come-From-Away: not a Newfie but you live here, like me), I'm not sure what the stance is. I would only use "Newfie" in a loving way, but I'm not sure all Newfoundlanders would see it that way, since my name, my face, and my accent immediately identify me as a CFA. Therefore, I don't use the term unless I am alone with other CFAs. Mainlanders could get the wrong idea, and Newfoundlanders might be offended. Anyway, I've read many a spirited discussion of whether or not people are offended by Newfie, and a consensus is rarely reached. My advice is: to be safe, don't use it.

A note to Sparteye: the dogs are usually referred to as Newfs. I don't know why! [puzzled]