Thanks, Jazzo...had some of these ready just didn't get around to it, sorry I was late.

Also, a question: I think the "time on my hands" thread is brilliant, but how do we sell the word "time" to Anu? Do you really think he'll use something so common sounding? For instance, I thought "Nautical Terms" would be a great intro thread, but he won't go with "nautical" I perused the thread for a word and came up with "yaw." Maybe there's a more intriguing word used somewhere on the "time" thread we could use?

[edit: nepenthe is out, Anu used it.
ovine: of, relating to, or belonging to sheep (thanks to Max) is an unused Animal Adj. I replaced it on my list because I think one listing thread is enough, and "Nautical terms" has more discussion.
And thanks for enandiotromic, tsuwm...great thread to showcase!]