>What are the orthographical differences between Anglicans and other religious groups?

Despite tsuwm's sigh's, I consider the question to be serious enough to need of an answer as it stands. I am not an expert in religious matters (or any others, for that matter) but I would consider it probable that Protestants, with their work-ethis, would not have much use for "e"s and therefore would favour "bees." :-)

Certain Druidic tribes of Ancient Britains in North West England certainly used the Dee a great deal, especially in matters relating to transport, but also as a Deity.

Worshippers of Sauron, in Mordor and out, were afraid of the "I."

"Jay," symbol of gaudiness, was eschewed by Quakers asnd (I think) Anabaptists.

Irish Catholics (and probably those of countries other than England) use "Q"s on Saturday night for the purpose of confession.

The Methodist temperance literature of the Nineteenth century gave prominence to "T"s.

"U" are likely to be targetted by Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and similar prozelytizing faiths ("W" if your partner is with you.)

"Eggs" are used by Mother Nature worshippers as an object of veneration

and, finally, "Y" is aked by members of all sects of the Xtian faith and many others. Does that include Bhuddists, or do they accept without asking?