I'm so glad there are other nuts out there like me, Helen, and another who sent a PM on the subject!

When I was in BC last fall, my supervisor was impressed at my ability to remember numbers (we were always giving out the phone number to our hotel, or the address for couriers, and I was the one who always knew it, even after only being in the hotel for a couple of days - because I see patterns in the numbers that help me remember). It was quite useful when we wanted to contact the guy about the public dock, and his three (!) phone numbers were posted outside, and we were with no paper. So I just took a minute or two to memorize them, while my supervisor wandered back to the van looking for paper. I can still remember two of them!

Unfortunately I don't ride elevators in tall buildings much. We don't really have any properly tall buildings here! But I love finding patterns in phone numbers, addresses, room numbers, birthdates...