I don't quite know how to present this. I saw these two guys on a daytime talk show yesterday and nearly fell out of my chair. Caution: put your food and drink down now or you'll laugh it all over your screen!

It's a comedy act that started in Melbourne, it's a show, it toured OZ, it toured the UK, it's a video, and now it's landed Off-Broadway: Puppetry of the Penis! You think I'm kidding?

Not for the prudish or faint of heart, adult but non-sexual, here's the most discreet account I could find. But if you put 'P of P' into Google the first ten hits (of 16,000!) give you plenty of fun stuff to peruse, including their HomePage (if you dare! . http://www.curtainup.com/puppetryofthepenis.html

What're they drinkin' down up in Australia these days!!? And we thought the muskstick was amazing!