Thus, it is routine for an Rh+ woman, immediately after delivery, to be given treatment to suppress the development of those antibodies.

The treatment given to the woman during her pregnancy and after the delivery is a drug that is derived from Rh negative, human blood that is treated with Rh positive blood cells. I have been part of a program for the last three years. I have A negative blood and have been regularly injected under controlled circumstances, with Rh positive blood cells. Now that my blood has created the antibody, I give platelet donations that are used to create the drug that is used.

Its the people with a minus that used to get into trouble. If given improperly matched transfusion, they can develop antibodies against the Rh factor, and if the mistake is repeated, they can have very serious reaction.

And the amount of blood cells I have received to create this antibody is not equal to the amount of a transfussion. Although it has been given over an extended period of time.

And as an aside, I am A neg blood, but both my children were positive, so I was given this very same drug during my pregnancy and after delivery.