The animal adjectives thread began August 2000 and, after it seemed dead, revivified in November, in December, and in March, April, June, August, October and November of 2001. Since it seems to have run through the the feline nine lives (and is now at 92 posts), it seems time to restart it with a new thread.

Warning: "category killer" sites can be found by a little googling. It may be more fun to proceed without search engines. From those sites come the recent

bubaline: buffalo-like
struthionine: ostrich-like

To my surprise, the sites reveal that when tsuwm told us that giraffe-like = giraffine, he was being serious, not gi-raffish. But I could not answer ASp's and archie's plea for the term for "cockroach-like". Apparently "cockroach" derives as a combination (for unknown reasons) of cock=rooster and roach=the fish.

What else can be uncovered?