Lets see what Ogden Nash has to say:


Some people shave before bathing,
And about people who bathe before shaving they are scathing,
While those who bathe before shaving,
Well, they imply that those who shave before bathing are
Suppose you shave before bathing, well the advantage is that
you don't have to make a special job of washing the
lather off afterwards, it just floats off with the rest of
your accumulations in the tub,
But the disadvantage is that before bathing your skin is hard
and dry and your beard confronts the razor like a grizzly
bear defends its cub.
Well then, suppose you bathe before shaving, well the
advantage is that after bathing your skin is soft and moist,
and your beard positively begs for the blade,
But the disadvantage is that to get the lather off you have to
wash your face all over again at the basin almost immediately
after washing it in the tub, which is a duplication of effort that
leaves me spotless but dismayed.
The referee reports, gentlemen, that Fate has loaded the dice,
Since your only choice is between walking around all day
with a sore chin or washing your face twice.

Ogden Nash


Child, the temptation please resist
To deify the humorist.
Simply because we're stuck with solons
Whose minds resemble lazy colons,
Do not assume our current jesters
Are therefore Solomons and Nestors.
Because the editorial column
Is ponderously trite and solemn
Don't think the wisdom of the ages
Awaits you in the comic pages.
There is no proof that Plato's brain
Weighed less than that of Swift or Twain.
If funny men are sometimes right
It's second guessing, not second sight;
They apply their caustic common sense
After, and not before, events.
Since human nature's a fait accompli
They puncture it regularly and promptly.
Some are sophisticates, some earthy,
And none are totally trustworthy;
They'll sell their birthright every time
To make a point or turn a rhyme.
This motto, child, is my bequest:
There's many a false word spoken in jest.

Ogden Nash


Come live with me and be my love
And we will all the pleasure prove
Of a marriage conducted with economy
In the Twentieth Century Anno Donomy.
We'll live in a dear little walk-up flat
With practically room to swing a cat
And a potted cactus to give it hauteur
And a bathtub equipped with dark brown water.
We'll eat, without undue discouragement,
Foods low in cost but high in nourishment
And quaff with pleasure, while chatting wittily,
The peculiar wine of Little Italy.
We'll remind each other it's smart to be thrifty
And buy our clothes for something-fifty.
We'll stand in line on holidays
For seats at unpopular matinees,
And every Sunday we'l have a lark
And take a walk in Central Park.
And one of these days not too remote
I'll probably up and cut your throat.

Ogden Nash
All poems © 1952 by Ogden Nash
