Despite tsuwm's most gallant efforts, nobody has come close to discerning the meaning of "barberchair" in the context I posed.

The term is from the Treeman's Dictionary,, a glossary of terms used by arborists.

Barberchair (Felling) This can occur when the tree leans heavily and wants to fall before the feller has cut enough wood, causing the trunk to split up the middle, with the back section rising rapidly. (keep your chin clear), This can be a Very dangerous situation, many deaths can be attributed to the Barberchair. There are many ways to minimize this, a couple of suggestions are: 1) Allways use a Sharp saw. 2) Use a Chain and binder above your cut. 3) Use a boring technique on the backcut, (experts only) 4) Call an expert.

In addition to the term "barberchair" itself, I thought that "feller" was great. This is the only context in which I've seen or heard "feller" and it hasn't been a colloquial pronunciation of "fellow." The suggestion to use a boring technique also gave me giggles. [visions-of-distracted-lumberman emoticon]