One doesn't have to know the unit of pain to realize that the unit of joy
is not the dollar, or any other currency for that matter. We don't have to
look far to discover that some of the richest people on this planet are
not the most happy ones. Having lived in two not only geographic but also
economically antipodal places, I've met persons who were blissful and those
who were miserable, but their conditions were hardly a function of money.
Certainly it is good to have the means to pay for basic necessities, but
after that it's only a series of zeros in some account.

English author Samuel Butler once said, "Words are like money; there is
nothing so useless, unless when in actual use." We can't do much about
circulating money (which I hope you have plenty of), but we do try our best
to put words in actual use. This week it is those words that make one say,
"I didn't know there was a word for that."