My daughter's boyfriend, Josh, in an attempt to cause me to realize the lure of sports, directed me to what he calls the "Most Intelligent Football Board Online."

He directed me to Cyberhigh Stadium:

OK. I went there. I clicked on a forum. This is what I read there:

Playoff takes. Whats Yours?
I think the Ravens will beat Miami, but I hope I'm wrong.
I think Philly will beat Tampa, but could care less.
I think the Packers will beat the 9ers, I hope I'm right.
I don't really know what to think about the Raiders/Jets game, but I hope the Jets win.
My playoff picks look like this

What gives? I don't understand what's the lure of this kind of discussion??????? This is the strangest thing to consider--and to hear Josh keeps coming back to this board to read what someone else has listed.

Stranger than Strange,