you didn't make it up; the Greeks had a word for it.

misandry - after MISOGYNY n.

Hatred of men as a sex.
1909 in Cent. Dict. Suppl. 1946 Scrutiny XIII. 249 In the absence of feminine
precedents, she [sc. Beatrice] could do no better than what she very sensibly does do: follow
masculine example, and answer to their affected misogyny with the affectation of misandry.
1960 B. KAYE Upper Nankin St. xii. 232 Such women are common in..Kwangtung
Province, where there is a tradition of misandry. 1991 New Art Examiner Apr. 35/3
Although Surrealism could survive the excision of its misogyny, if SisterSerpents shed their
‘misandry’, their ideological fangs would prove artless

Hence misandrist n., one who hates men, a man-hater (esp. in feminist usage).

1978 Observer 23 Apr. 8/3 The respectable feminist equivalent for the word misogynist is
misandrist. 1993 Guardian 3 Dec. II. 4/5 Strictly speaking, neither misogynist nor misandrist
specifies the gender of the person who hates: you should be able to be both female and to
hate women.

OED2, updated