well, i finally understood Keiva objection.. and i don't think he was being nit picking.. and i went and edited it -- to make it clear it that i was not agreeing with the nazi's.

and i have some very real reservations and concerns about our involvement in afganistan, and about the way we are using propaganda in the current confict... starting right from the idea that Bush has declared War on terrorism.. since our constitution hold only congress can declare war..

do i think the past government of the afganistan was a fair (even if not democratic) government--no.. did they harbor and protect the AlQada, the organization that seems to be responsible for the attacts of Sept 11? yes. did we (the US) need to take action? yes. do i think we have taken the right action? no, and i realize, just saying that, in the current war of propoganda that is going on, make me sound like a traitor. and that is scary. free speach, and the ability of citizen to open disagree with the government is not a crime!

the war on terrorism seem to have 2 main fronts.. one in afganistan, and one right here.. and the one here is being fought by people who are carefully crafting language to hid their actions.. and their actions in my opinion are chiselling away my rights.