I'm famous. Did anyone else notice?

From: Dagny Haug (dagny@visi.com)
Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--Potemkin village

Along the DMZ of the North/South Korean border, the two countries have erected Potemkin villages, visible through binoculars from the visitors area. Presumably to demonstrate to their brethren on the other side and international visitors.

Here's a snippet from someone's travelogue:
Also see,

I did get a personal reply from Anu when I wrote in my initial comment (Ooooh! ), asking me for citations, after which I provided the URLs. He edited my original comments quite a bit, but that's the Power we keep talking about in the Great and Powerful Anu.

It's kind of interesting - I've gotten some emails from people I haven't heard from in a while, people I didn't know to be AWAD subscribers! The phone will be ringing off the hook any minute now to fill my schedule for public appearances... any minute... any minute, I tell you!