wwh's recent post on "karez" reminded me that i've been meaning to ask about "warez"...does the OED list it yet? what's the earliest citation? i've always pronounced it WARE-ezz, but since it comes from "wares" i suppose it's probably supposed to be pronounced the same (right?).

incidentally, atomica offers a delightfully comprehensive list of -wares:

abandonware adware beltware betaware bloatware boardware brochureware bridgeware censorware courseware crippleware crossware crudware demoware dribbleware evolware expireware feeware firmware freeware frontware grayware groupware guiltware hardware hookemware hyperware infoware liveware malware middleware nagware payware pitchware pushware shareware shelfware shovelware slideware software spyware stackware trashware treeware vaporware warmware wetware