to what extent did children play with stuffed bears before the Teddy Bear named after Theodore Roosevelt

apparently there had been earlier toy bears: Bear.htm: after this famous cartoon appeared in the papers, a shopkeeper, Morris Michtom from Brooklyn, NY, took two stuffed toy bears which his wife had made and put them in his shop window purely as a window display. To make them even more attractive,, Mr. Michtom asked for permission from President Theodore Roosevelt to call these toy bears "Teddy's bears". He was soon swamped with orders from customers who wanted to purchase their own "teddy bears." Michtom's store eventually became the Ideal Novelty and Toy Company (today still known as the Ideal Toy Company). (IMHO, Gilbert created the term "pooh-bah" to echo a toddler's lisping name for his stuffed bear)

but the teddy bear became an overwhelming craze: By 1905 mass-produced Teddy Bears were a full-blown craze. ... The fad persisted for three years. And worried people. A priest claimed that bearmania among little girls, who had all but abandoned dolls, destroyed the very instincts of motherhood, threatening the extinction of the species.