Well, in two days us US folk celebrate our annual Thanksgiving, and the story of the Pilgrims and the Mayflower leads us to the fact that our continent was first populated in majority by a contingent called "Strangers." The Puritans (the Pilgrims) fled Europe, as we all know, to escape religious persecution, and they took with them a number of other folks. To differentiate the two groups the Puritans dubbed themselves as "Saints" and the non-Puritans as "Strangers." There were 44 "Saints" and 66 "Strangers" who embarked from the Mayflower at olde Plimouth. So, indeed, our continent, in the European sense, was first founded and settled by "Strangers." So you see, our entry-level nomenclature harbors much dignity after all!
(emergency edit: excluding the Spanish, of course!)

Happy Thanksgiving to all our USn's!...and to all elsewhere who likewise observe, albeit at other times!

Here's the url for the full "Stranger" story and other early Plimouth tidbits: