wasn't a mild form of belladonna given as a drug to "dry up" women's milk? I remember having a disagreement with my doctor when i gave birth to my son in 1973, and wanted to nursed..

he had 'prescribed' a shot of belladonna, so that i wouldn't be uncomfortable when my milk came in, and i refused to let any one give me the drug.. he came to "talk some sense into me" he knew me for over 2 years at that point, and should have known better! i remained firm.. (much to his chagrin!) and did nurse.

FYI back in the dark ages--ie 30 years ago, they still regularly want to "knock 'em out" when it came to childbirth, and were still giving scopolamine.. a drug that is a first cousin to LDS, and can cause hallucinations.
(nothing personal Dr bill, doctors, one on one, are okay, but the medical profession scares me!)

Are there any other real medical uses for belladonna?