Googling blarina brevicauda   930 hits.

Googling blovian brericauda   1 hit.

I could rest my case here, but, wait...

A) As I was scribbling brevicauda and brericauda I noticed a high degree of similarity between the r and the v. Brericauda doesn't rightly mean short-tailed if indeed in means anything. I suspect that the whole thing was a typo/misreading by some transcriber unfamiliar with scientific nomenclature on the level required to catch this kind of mistake.

2) Even if blovian brericauda (or brevicauda) were a proper scientific name, the level of renaissancity required to make the connection to the genus blovian by someone interested in someone's ramblings about the dot com era would be so high as to be vanishingly rare.


Þ) Even if we grant someone who would make that connection, the assumption that it was the short life of the shrew that was being alluded to rather than tsuwm's more reasonable shrewishness is somewhat far-fetched.

In short, the assumption that the word blovian would have any other connotation than that of its apparent relative bloviate reeks of obscurantism that, though I, as an accomplished obscurantist, might admire greatly, does not contribute to the recently much maligned communicative function of language.