When I was just a kid, I used to go into Alexandria, VA on the bus to wander around town in the summertime. One of my favorite haunts was the courtroom of Nicholas J. Colosanto, who was probably 5 feet tall, swarthy, and a real riot on the bench. One day a regular "customer" got his usual $15 fine for drunk and disorderly, but apparently his hangover got the better of him. He ran from the courtroom, screaming, "I'm not paying the fine, you spaghetti-eating SOB." The bailiffs brought him back and Nick gave him another $25 fine for contempt of court, and admonished him, "Had you been chaste and refined, you would not have been chased and refined." I was 13 or so, and I was the only one in the courtroom who laughed. Which resulted in an invitation from the judge for iced tea at the local lawyer hangout around the corner after court was over.

Sadly, some years later, Nick was assassinated in the front door of his house when he answered a knock at the door. The murder was never solved.