Sorry to have offended you folks.
Based on your feedback, I will never again post here any notice that makes any mention whatsoever of money, no matter what the "deal" may be that I have to offer.
Thanks tsuwm for the directness of your answers to my questions.
If it is any consolation to you: I myself receive only a (token) honorarium for teaching these Words courses at "Evening at Emory." I had to chuckle when I read people's assumption (accusation?) that I myself conduct these courses "for profit." Too funny.
I suppose that Emory does make some money off of my teaching there. I had not thought much about this reality until this b board discussion. Again, I am sorry for assuming that even some of the visitors to this b board might be interested in hearing about these courses off of which someone somewhere might be making some money.
I suspect that you (the regulars of this b board) and I are more alike than different. Thus, I was surprised to find myself treated as an enemy, an outsider who could only be up to no good.
I simply have a love, nay, a passion, for words that I enjoy sharing with others. If you knew me at all, you would know that lucre is about the last thing on this planet that motivates me.
"Y'all's" passion for words that motivates you to spend time with one another on this b board is precisely the same quality that, coupled with my commitment to community service, motivates me to spend time with others in a classroom setting on Sunday evenings.