yes, this one month anniversary stuff is stupid. -- October 9th marked the 4 week period..

its still burning, you know. they move some stuff, and lift out beams that still glowing red with heat. the dust, is still thick in the air, (check out the epa monitors of site in downtown area ) and every day the streets are washed down to keep the dust at bay.

the numbers for asbestos and PM (particulate matter) in the air are below critical, that is, we don't have to wear dust masks, but its still way high. the smell of burning still permiates the building i work in, about a half mile from the site. for NYer's, its not something that happened a month ago, its it still the present.. Its still NOW.
subway service is still disrupted, our building only has about 90% telephone service, and other nearby buildings have 50% or less. street are still closed to traffic, store haven't re opened. AMT's don't work--(see telephone details above). every one is still jumpy.. we are up to our usual business, but it is in no way business as usual.