please be mindful of the bits of egg all about, i am still scrapping off my face.
1) Keiva was not out of line when he chastized me. i was wrong (egg #1)
2) I did preview, and i did review my post again, when faldage made comment. but it was not all white from my view. I don't know why, but it wasn't.. i often don't have a problem with posts going wide, when every one else is moaning and groaning.. and i never lost my R's (i just trip, rs over tea kettle!)( so that egg #2)

and yes, all of the post can be read.. and its been re edited, since the problem became clear or should i say, white, once i checked it from my home. (egg #3)

now, if you don't mind, i'll leave the room, my face is more or less cleared, and i have sweep up the mess to the best of my ability.. if there is any egg left over, its my fault..
[how do i exit gracefully icon]
[how do i ever come back here icon, with out being extremely self conscious? icon]