Unfortunately, wofahulicodoc, part of your problem is the fact that you are viewing AWAD through your LAN. I had exactly the same problem with AWAD at work in Zild. I asked our LAN administrator wherefore, and he gave me a complicated technical explanation (which I mercifully forgot immediately). However, what it boils down to is what Explorer sees over a LAN. Cookies on your workstation are not the issue. Your LAN server's cookies may, however, be it. The AWADTalk software uses cookies like they're going out of fashion. It's how your server deals with them which is affecting how your browser is acting up. Have a chat to your LAN people.

Mav, if you are using one of the vaunted Pommy ISPs as I am, everything will be running like treacle. They've gone into spasm over the Nimda (or whatever) virus. Also, they haven't managed to recover from the disruption to telecommunications caused by the attacks in America. This is their explanation for it, anyway. I've already offered mine (Demon Net) the services of a really professional ISP outfit to get them up and running in a business-like fashion. Really, it just seems typical of the telecommunications business here generally, in my admittedly-limited experience.

Bingley, I think you're being done under by your ISP ... Netscape is usually the problem, not the answer ... but you've probably already guessed that. Bin Laden may be bribing them.

On top of which, the server that AWADTalk sits on is probably a Commodore 64 or its immediate predecessor. Does any USn have access to a good, fast, Internet server which can be offered to Anu free of charge?


The idiot also known as Capfka ...