(Absinthe makes the YART grow fondue)

You really *are a looney, aren't you?

I had to look up "absinthe" ~ how intriguing that Atomica claims it is "now prohibited in many countries because of its toxicity". Do folks really drink the stuff? It sounds horrid.

I liked the word "pinnatifid", used to describe the feather-like structure of the "silvery silky leaves and numerous nodding flower heads" of the amarinthus plant. Of course, "pinnatifid" was helpfully defined by atomica as
"having a pinnate structure". As an aside, what's the term for 'using a word or root thereof in its own definition'? Seems to me like cheating and I find it annoying, unless accompanied by a subdefinition. Is "pinnate" a common word? I can't recall having heard it before, but it seems a lovely, useful little thing.