Thanks for bringing that up TEd. Yes Gordon Sinclair has been dead since 1984.

He wrote the editorial in 1973 because the Americans were being lambasted because of their participation in the Vietnam war (I believe he was a foreign correspondent at the time).

It was a piece he READ on the RADIO yet it is now circulating the net with the mention that it appeared in a recent Toronto newspaper.

Please disregard the thing since it has absolutely nothing to do with the situation now transpiring.

Um, I should also add that though most Canadians feel strongly that we should stand beside the U.S. in their fight against terrorism (a full 76% of population would approve of giving military support in the event of a war) for some reason it was brought to our attention during George W. Bush's speech that Canada is not one of the countries that the U.S. considers as 'friends' as we were glaringly omitted from his list.

Seems a shame since I know everybody pitched in to send blood, money and services. Oh well, just goes to show that you can be there all you want but if people don't want to see you there is nothing you can do about it.