thanks, but Airbus is a french designed and build air plane, build with a very open government subsidy, it is still too expensive to compete with most american made planes, (which do get tax breaks, but grudgingly)and the concord is also french.

i know america has sometimes been likened to a domesticated elephant.. its powerful, hardworking, and generaly not to destructive.. but just being an elephant, it crushes the ants and crickets beneath its feet. not from malice, just moveing about. and when it is angered, it can be dangerous.

But i am glad, than some see us as other than an elephant, that they see we have an almost naive belief that people can live together, even if they don't share the same ethnic heritage, or religion, if they want to. if they are willing to believe in the dignity of humans, and a systems, of not perfect, but good laws.

i am sure other will have comments about the facts of Mr. Sinclair's comments, but its nice to hear that some one "gets it" about what we are trying.

I have never felt that other national haven't been willing to help us if we really needed it. there has been a tremendious outpour from many countries in responce to Sept. 11 events..

as a new yorker, i alway felt like a citizen of the world, now days, it's nice to see that the world considers NY its city.