
"The act of making something worthless" as in "I admired him for nothing so much as his floccinaucinihilipilification of

Floccus "a tuft of wool" > floccose ("full of or containing tufts of wool") and flocculus ("a small tuft of wool") >
flocculent ("resembling a tuft of wool") and flocculate ("to gather into tufts of wool").

Nauci is related to nugae "trifles, trivial things" > nugacious, nugatory, nugilogue (trivial talk, small talk),
nugigerulous ("carrying toys"), but not nougat which comes from nux, nuc- "nut".

Nihil "nothing" > nil, null, nihilism, nihilist, nihility, annihilate.

Pilus "hair" > piliferous ("hirsute"), depilatory, plush, caterpillar ("hairy cat"), pileus ("cap") and by a connection
that remains obscure, possibly pillage.