My, my, what a surprise. How did you know when I was moving in? I just moved into my dorm yesterday and I haven't figured out how to get the network connection to work on my computer so I'm using someone else's. I'm a little apprehensive about the whole thing because I've been so used to having the security and structure of my family life. The last couple of weeks I was working at the kindergarten in my school district. I was mainly working in the office, but the kids started thinking I was a teacher and it was really fun. I even learned a little Croatian to help a boy get accustomed. My last day he was finally running around with the other kids. It was hard to leave this job too because it had become so fun and meaningful. In one summer I went from high school to kindergarten to college. A rather surreal experience.

It's nice to know that I'll have this place as my one constant of familiarity through the whole process of change.

Thanks guys.