I do so hope that good sense and common humanity will prevail in America, once the anguish adn anger have abated a little.

An act of retaliatory vindictiveness will lose the USA the synpathy that is currently being poured out by the whole world.

That leaders of nations traditionally hostile to the USA have roundly and promptly condemmned this atrocity is witness to the wisdom of Max's remarks, above.
But it is well to take note that the pupils in my sister-in-law's TEFL class, from Palestine, Vietnam, China and Chile, whilst properly appalled at the needless bloodshed, were not very complimentary about the USA,s foreign policy as applied to their own countries.

This is a time when the hearts of all good thinking people are reaching out to the good, ordinary folk all over the USA, and in NYC especially.

Please, please do not let this beautiful fund of goodwill be sullied by a further act of violence.