Oh, Max, this was fascinating! Thank you, Sweetie.
I think I understand what Mr. Greene means about irrationality. I think it refers, among other things, to the intuitive leaps the human mind can take.

Here is a quote from the article:

Remember, the Greek 'logos' means 'ratio' or 'meaningful speech' (interesting that to the Greeks the two should be so closely related). 'Alogos', which uses the alpha privative, means not the opposite of rational, but simply 'lacking in rationality' or 'other than rational' (other than 'logos').

By 'insight' I mean a very real (if personal and unpredictable) window into, and experience of, a very real area of the universe, and not just some spooky gibberish.

I think the second paragraph may illustrate part of what he means by irrationality. And, if anyone can interpret
"alpha privative" for me, I would appreciate it. I have absolutely no idea of what that means.