I'm not sure about the usage of "salt cellar". I think a couple of you are confusing them with salt shakers. A salt shaker is what the word denotes -- a container, small in size if intended to be put on the table, but larger if used by the cook by the stove, closed, with holes in the top from which you shake out the salt. A salt cellar is like a little box with an open top, glass, ceramic, silver, etc. or a combination (my great aunt had a beautiful pair in ruby red cut glass in silver holders). They were about 2 inches square and not quite as deep, holding maybe an eighth of a cup of salt, and, as noted were a pair (cellars seem to come usually in pairs). You get the salt out of a salt cellar with a tiny round spoon holding less than a quarter teaspoon, which is placed in the salt when the salt cellar goes on the table.

And BTW, I have known about salt rising bread for years, from Beard on Bread the best source I know of on bread, by the late James Beard.