This whole thread is, by default, political in nature. Since there appear to be none of us who is prepared to defend M. Bush except in very specific instances where the facts stated are indubitably incorrect, it can hardly be called a political argument.

In the US versus Iraq debate, you have a nonentity seemingly incapable of truly original thought versus a very cunning tyrant who has proven himself capable of a very original approach to what he sees as threats to his power base and, for that matter, his life.

If Dubya gets the axe at the next election, he goes into retirement and sets up the George W. Bush Presidential Library, surely the only one which is likely to consist mainly of Donald Duck comics. On the other hand, if Saddam Hussein is retired, it's likely to be more than just his presidency that he'll lose.

Dubya worries me because of what he's capable of doing through ignorance and error. Saddam Hussein worries me because of what he's likely to do to survive ...

The idiot also known as Capfka ...