According to this theory the divisions of the human race are not two, but three -- the lowbrow, the high-lowbrow, or broadbrow (or those of an intelligence and tolerance superior to the average), and the highbrow, who, though not necessarily more gifted than the second class, has in an intellectual sense the defects of character or outlook sufficiently suggested by the expressions 'prig', 'Pharisee', and 'smug'.

His Lordship misses the boat here only in that he bungles the opportunity to promulgate the term 'mezzobrow' for the middle category.

Mencken Amer. Lang. Suppl. I. 325 The search for a term to designate persons neither high-brows nor low-brows has led to the suggestion of mizzen-brow and mezzo-brow... but they have not caught on.