Keiva informs us: slander and libel (are) no longer treated as separate categories.

If this is true, then I (as a judicial dunce) think it is a mistake. That which someone says is over with once it is said - one can't mull over it like written defamation. Things spoken are off-the-cuff and must bow to the rhetorical situation. Thus, if people are quoted from conversations, then often things can be misconstrued to suit the purposes of those prosecuting. With libel the intent of the perpetrator should be far more clean cut In addition, slander can rarely (except perhaps for public figures) have as great an effect as libel has both on the victim and any of his/her contemporaries who may read it. I rest my case.

>Those who mock Mr Bush's intellect may .....
...have a good laugh at this article. The mere idea that Mr. Bush would in his wildest dreams be capable of solving a particle physics problem, never mind meeting the press with such exquisite elocution is certainly worth a laugh.
Good ol' sticky fingers Bush is probably not in command of his own bladder if the content and delivery of his rhetoric is any measure.
I think it is priceless that any article with a date at the top and cunning wording can receive recognition for being some kind of 'truth'. Year after year foreign onlookers watch as the American people are spoon feed pureed news for the masses. The demonisation of Bin Laden is a prefect example. Ask the clerk in your supermarket or the lawyer next door, all will agree this is an evil man who must be stopped. But what did he do? The answer - provide a good target onto which America could fire off political missiles. If they believe that he had anything to do with the bombing of some out-of-way US embassy then they haven't yet realized that the world's mass media is under control by a religious and political monopoly - that's right, it's the Muslim's arch-enemy. On the otherhand America as "an act of retaliation" for the bomb purposely planted next to the embassy by their own government (yes, it may not be on CNN, but it's no secret) bombed a medical factory in a completely different country, again with not the slightest connection to poor Mr Bin Laden. This discrimination is ongoing by the way - don't think things are looking rosy now. Just a few weeks ago fathers, brothers and sons disappeared from the streets of Italy on the pretext that 'they know Bin Laden'.
As for the destinctly lowbrow president - he should be up for the prize as Nostradamus's third Antichrist by the end of his term (now that's what I call libel :-).
It's more than a bit of wool that must be pulled from the US public's eyes, to much to tackle - it's like an entire sheep station ;-)