From my window, right now, in my office, well, I see the wall across the hall. And a handsome heavy moss green it is too . I know, it is odd to have a window on an inside office. I guess they wanted to make me feel the office was bigger somehow.

Well no matter, I am more often on the road so out of my car window (mobile office) I see anything and everything. I see the signs of changing seasons in nature, in how people dress and the colour of the sunlight. I see beautiful countryside on my long hauls and cityscape for my city clients. I drive through blizzards (exciting and beautiful) and perfectly white through all my windows.

My favorite part is coming back from out of town at night. I can see the reflection of the city lights from miles away. I am going home. As I get closer I can see the whole downtown core, millions of lights, looking like so many jewels. On the mountain I see the top of St Joseph's Oratory calling the faithful home. It is all quite beautiful...I always feel like this is MY city. It makes me proud.