How do you pronounce Rhydycroesau?

To begin with you need to know the meaning. I was told that it means "where the water crosses the road". There was a stream by the road, so I imagine that in the past there was a ford there.

I was told to pronounce it as follows:
Rhyd - craed/creed or Rud (like rug) (depending on who you speak to)
y - uh
croe - croy
sau - sigh
There is a small hotel in the village with a a map on their page -

It's quite near Llanfyllyn - [chlan-vu-thlin] (it took me ages to work out that the place I had heard metioned was the same as the place name I'd seen on the signs.

So if ever you are in the Welsh borders, have a go at reading the signs!