(June)22nd,saturday.....is the following weekend out of the question?

June 29-30 is jamming up pretty close to the Fourth of July and higher July costs for travel, too. Also June 29-30 is very heavy travel weekend with kids out of school, people going to summer cottages, etc.
How about Saturday, June 22, and Sunday, June 23?
Then folks come and go as they can manage on Friday and Monday!
That weekend is close to the Summer Solstice so we should have nice long daylight hours, weather warm enough to swim but not hot-as-hinges-of-hell that it can be in July! (It was 100 fahrenheit in Michigan just a week ago according to The Weather Channel!)
And, shouldn't we have an "end date" so Sparteye can know when she will get her regular (personal and professional)life back?
I undersand she does have other obligations!