Scribbler, dear:

I thought *everybody* knew that I live just outside of Sparta -- sometimes called East Lansing, Michigan. A bit to the south and west, AAMOF. I will send details to all who sign up for Wordapalooza!

I have not yet settled on a name for my house. Perhaps that can be on the Wordapalooza! agenda. I need something with a certain dignity, but without too much pretension.

As for the date, we seem to be struggling to find something which works for all. I originally proposed to pick a date in late spring or early summer, but it seems that we have already found that no dates in the range work for all. SOOOOO -- how about July, everyone? The only thing going in July is Independence Day, which is on a Thursday. As far as I'm concerned, we could pick any weekend in the month as base days.

What about it, guys? Is there any problem for anyone who is coming to arrive in a time span which encompasses a July weekend? If you can come in July, are there weekends you would prefer? Weekends you cannot? The weekends are:

6 & 7

13 & 14

20 & 21

27 & 28