I was going to let this controversy (not much of one, actually, since it turned out to be decidedly one-sided) drop, particularly since several members had the good sense to introduce a new, or revived, subject and I was going to make my final remarks in PMs; but I decided that since I'm admitting defeat and conceding that quite a few comments posted on the subject have not only demolished my arguments but have provided this old fogey with some valuable insight on modern women, it's only fair that I do so as publicly as I offended. I herewith acknowledge and commend Sparteye, of troy, caradea, Brandon, Flatlander and AnnaStrophic, whose responses are posted above.

I suppose that having once, a very long time ago now, been a college student in need of tmeporary work to help pay expenses, and living as I do in a city with thousands of students in a dozen or more colleges and universities, it should have occurred to me that a young woman might, with propriety and good sense, accept employment at Hooters or in a similar situation. She might also well believe that the offer of a new "Toyota" was genuine, especially if it was verbal and not written or she didn't think she needed to look at a written offer. The story quoted didn't say anything about this; certainly if "new Toyota" was included in a written announcement, then there was fraud, possibly of a criminal nature.

Anyway, ladies and others, I accept your corrections. I certainly hope that no one supposes that I have, in the last 25 years at least, shared the male chauvinist notions that Helen and Sparteye very properly rant about; my wife took care of that. If I have been somewhat naif regarding what modern young women of intellect and integrity may be willing to undertake (besides working heavy construction jobs, or in other jobs once the exclusive domain of men), then you have been a source of enlightenment and delight. And this really is my last word on the subject. [Cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die e'con] Unless some of you want to have another go in the chat room, if we ever get together there again.