I had a reply from the linguaphile who at present seems to have sole possion of definition of nulutative. My wounded vanity was a bit soothed by fact he could not recall definition, but said it was in computer at home.
He said he had visited AWAD, but not found AWADtalk. So I gave him directions, and earnestly beseeched him to visit us.

Re: nulutative
Thu, 21 Jun 2001 14:21:05 -0400
John Wiegley <johnw@gnu.org>
william hunt <wwhunt@pacbell.net>

>>>>> On Thu Jun 21, william writes:

> Dear John: you have many members of A Word A Day in AWADtalk baffled
> by your word "nulutative". We would very much appreciate your giving
> us the definition, which we have been unable to find. Pretty please,
> with sugar on it? Bill Hunt

I think this word is in a vocabulary book that I have at home, and
it's a recent development. It's not on the Net, or in the OED, so
perhaps it is somebody's pet that I just picked up from a book (which
is where all of those words came from).

Where is AWADtalk, btw? I used to be on AWAD, once upon a time.
