That poster definitely poses a much sexier Hobbit than I ever envisioned. Must be the lighting ...

I don't know, though - I have always had the impression that there were stereotypical class-differences between the hobbits. Sam Gamgee and his Gaffer always come over as rough-hewn country-bumpkin-looking (although Sam is shown to have a good intellect) hobbits, as do many of the hobbits at Bilbos elleventy-one'th birthday party. But Meriadoc and Peregrin, and, indeed, Bilbo and Frodo are made out in a much more gentlemanly sort of mode. One only has to read the descriptions of Merry and Pippin in their respective uniforms at Aragorn's "coronation" to realise that they are fine-looking fellows, whereas Frodo is made to seem actually beautiful, especially toward the end of his journey.
So the fine features shown in the poster (thanks for the link, Rapunzel - may your hair grow ever longer and more golden!) aren't very much at odds with my percaptions of Frodo.