toilet is just an other euphemism for chamber pot-- and the original meaning of dressing or grooming still exists in toilet water, ~ soap, or ~powder.. getting washed and dressed is still making ones ~...

we seem not to really want to have a word for "a receptical for bowel movements" and use all sorts of euphemism-- a recent rebroadcast of the BBC/Irish television production "The Aristocrates" about the Lennox sisters uses the line, about George II -- "he ate breakfast, and retired to his room to perform a natural function, and died while doing so.."

so we have commodes, and loo's, and water closets, and cloakrooms, and thrones (and throne rooms) and every other sort of way of saying that which we don't want to say-- and any number of vulgar ways, too--("take a dump" being the most common now days-- and certainly not the crudest..)-- the english have the bit more refined "spend a penny" and ladies would most often "powder one's nose"...anything-- but saying what it is we intend to use (and why!) --which we really can't do-- since there is no proper word!