CAT scan is not actually a cursory inspection of a feline

A guy asks the vet to examine his dog which is just lying there. The vet says, "Look, I'm sorry but your dog is dead" "That can't be" says the owner, "I demand a second opinion". "Ok" says the vet and calls over his own Black Labrador and commands it to examine the dog. The Labrador sniffs all round and puts its paw on the paper with "DEAD" on it. "I demand a third opinion" says the owner. "OK" says the vet, and calls over this tabby, which in turn sniffs all over the dog and puts its paw on the paper with "DEAD" on it. "OK" says the owner. "I have to believe it. How much do I owe you?" "$250" says the vet. "How much? It's usually only 50 bucks even for big stuff". "Ah" says the vet "but Lab tests and Cat scans cost extra!"

Another one for the kids (I liked 7,8,9 by the way).
