I was taught a very good card game not dissimilar to Whist. However, the game was introduced to me as 'Hearts' (Hearts always being trump suit), which as most will know, is a game installed on most PCs and this it most definitely is not.

After introducing this game to several of my friends, and explaining the problem we had with its name, it became known as BLOB, mainly because if you lose a round, a large black dot is placed on your scoresheet! Now I have introduced this game to someone completely disconnected from our circle, who to my amazement, said 'ah yes, Blob, great game!'

I'd be interested to know if anyone has heard of this game BLOB, where you play 10 rounds (10 cards down to 1), predicting (in private) how many tricks you are going to achieve and receiving a 'BLOB' on your scoresheet should you fail, and if so, whether you know it as Blob, or something completely different...