No, you can't commit a virtue.

But, but, Jackie, when I was committed, they said it was by virtue of my being sinful!

Is not sin, X-tian theology-wise, a falling short of perfection? If so, then perfection is the antonym, as represented by "sinful" Earth (which, BTW, the perfect, infallible god created) and perfect heaven. Enter that French lunatic Jean Calvin, who said that everyone is condemned, and only god could pick and choose whom HE (never She, damn it!) wished to bless, the outward manifestation of which would be the possession of material wealth, as witness Abraham, Lot, et al. Thus entered into Western thought the idea that rich people would inherit heaven, and the rest of us would go to hell, so you'd better violate the OT and NT admonition that god would destroy those who destroy the Earth. Gosh, no wonder my Christian wife divorced me!