Yeah, careful there, B96, or the family will start thinking you're snorting the Spin 'n Span.

Okay, Sparteye, tell all. What is in Spin'n'Span that makes it good for snorting. Should I give away the crack, then?

Congratulations on winning your prize, B52. Even if the prize turns out to be a bomb (sic) it's the winning that counts.

In our house there're usually reference books of all kinds strewn around. Some people who came to visit with friends once asked the friends afterwards if we were "strange" because there was a Websters and an economics textbook on the coffee table in the lounge! Which had been left exactly where they were last used, of course.

I think the reply was that yes, we were strange, but no, it had nothing to do with our reading material!

The idiot also known as Capfka ...