Although magnificently underqualified to interject in this thread I feel the rudimentary, but candid, impression of a newcomer may (or may not, as the case may be) help.

I can't help but notice that the threads have a tendancy to become more and more surreal as you progress through the echelons (eg South - not wishing to single out Jackie, but it was the easiest to quote in entirety). I posit that as the posts increase in their bizzareness through the levels, the process of the progress we all operate by is summed up in the name of the state that is given to them that is the most novice (subliminal conditioning of the intakes??)

In view of the possibility of the title 'stranger' being taken as an adjective (and thereby suggesting that we would therefore superceed even Pooh-bahs in this strange scale) I move to suggest that the most novice rank should be renamed saner.

Am I making any sense??