what's so wonderful about being a pooh-bah (pb)? at least one of the pb's amongst us gets upset at being constantly held up for approbation (or ridicule), so maybe it's time to examine the thrall of it all. first, consider all the perks....

- if you don't post for an hour or so, speculation is rife as to your health, well-being and/or visitation hours.

- it is well established that you maintain archives of all of the private mail you have received and sent and can answer any question in regards to the workings of the known multiiverse.

- everyone knows about the friendly competition to reach that next, unknown, level and provides encouragement for reaching same.

- as is well known, we pb's have the ear of the sainted yet ostensible wordsmith and have inside information into the workings of the system. (you'll notice that max no longer complains about his lack of juice.) [what was that about an unknown level?]

consider these truisms: pb's either a) have been around a long time or b) have something to say about everything (or both). but look, if you've been around for a year it's only 4.383562 posts a day to reach poohbahdom. some of you just haven't been trying hard enough.

"but once having reached poohbahtude, what is there to look forward to?", one might ask (or not). I'm sure there must be something, said joe adumbratively.